Techniques and Procedures Available For Laser Hair Removal
It was back in 1969 that lasers were initially employed for use in hair removal and when, in the 1990s, official approval was given for the use of the Softlight laser to be used in the USA, the technology really began to develop. Today, laser hair removal is considered as an efficient, lasting method of reducing unwanted hair from places such as the bikini-line, legs, back, chest and face. It is perhaps not the totally painless procedure some would have us believe, but it certainly causes far less discomfort than either waxing or electrolysis.
Salon Hair Care Products Vs Cheap High Street Hair Care Products
Great looking hair that is really healthy and clean makes you feel better about yourself and makes you look healthier and cleaner to other people. Keeping your hair looking this way is important, and using good quality hair products such as shampoo and conditioner is vital. But when it's time to buy your hair care products, how do you know which are the best ones to use?
Are Mud Baths and Treatments Sanitary and What Are Their Benefits?
Mud treatment options have proved to be vastly popular with spa goers around the world. Despite the popularity of the treatments, questions and confusion over the use and benefits of the "mud" continue to surface. Find out more about mud treatments and have some of your treatment questions answered.
Health Spas in South Africa - What Makes Them Unique?
A spa experience in South Africa has often been viewed as being one of the most unique and beautiful experiences that one can wish for. So what makes it so unique and what can one expect at a South African spa?
Top 10 Spa Myths Revealed
There are still so many spa myths standing in the way of spa enthusiasts today. Here are some of the top myths answered, so that you can carry on with what you enjoy best. Test your spa knowledge and see if you have been mislead into believing one of the 10 spa myths mentioned below.
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