Thursday, May 1, 2008

Beauty & Fashion.xope

Not just lip service: Gloss can invite skin cancer

Some dermatologists say that slathering on shiny lip glosses can actually increase your risk of developing skin cancer.


You want a prettier what?!

Belly button? Toes? Labia? You won't believe the parts some women are tinkering with in their quest for so-called perfection.


Aromatherapy is no cure for what ails you

Young woman lying in a bathtub covered in soap suds. bath. bubble bath. relaxation. relax. candles. aromatherapy. msnbc stock photo photographyOne of the most rigorous studies of aromatherapy showed no significant change in heart rate, blood pressure, stress hormones or immune function after sniffing two top scents.


11.7 million cosmetic procedures done in 2007

The annual report  by The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery indicates that 11.7 million cosmetic procedures were performed in the U.S. in 2007.


Turning back the ‘creepy old hands’ of time

A raft of new hand rejuvenation procedures offer the cosmetically conscious a chance to turn back the “creepy old hands” of time.


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