Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.qald
Fantasy Inspires McQueen Looks
Tree roots, insects, wood nymphs and the alien in the movie "Species" inspired looks at Alexander McQueen.
More...Fellini Eyes Steal the Show at YSL
Fellini's 1963 movie "8 1/2" helped inspire makeup backstage at Yves Saint Laurent Thursday.
More...Hurley Kicks Off Lauder's Breast Cancer Awareness Effort
It wasn't just Elizabeth Hurley's star wattage that lit up Bloomingdale’s 59th Street store during a personal appearance there Thursday evening.
More...Maybelline Marketing Head to Leave
Cheryl Vitali to join Lancome.
More...Tova Gets Personal With Ambre D'Oro Fragrance
Perfume Tova Ambre D¿Oro, set to debut in November on QVC, reflects its creator's love of Italy with Sicilian lemon and peony peregrina notes.
More...Friday, October 3, 2008
Anti Aging Herbs For The Heart
Take a bite on a habanero pepper and you instantly feel a rush of heat to all parts of your body. That is due to the increased blood flow throughout your body. That is an effect that no pharmaceutical drug can create. Cayenne moves blood to the sick and dying organs and with it nutrients and healing bio-chemicals. At the same time it gets the waste materials carried away. For best result, Cayenne pepper should be taken with meals. Use 1/4 of a teaspoon of powder, or more, in a cup of distilled hot water.
Jiaogulan is a Chinese herb and in Japan it is called Amachazuru and it is used to lower the cholesterol levels in the blood stream. It lowers the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and raises the HLD cholesterol (good cholesterol). This herb can lower the blood pressure when it is to high and it can also rise the blood pressure when it is to low.
Soy has been used in Japan and China for centuries and has shown to reduce the chances of having a heart attack. It is also shown to reduce the chances of developing breast cancer, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer. Good sources of soy are lentils and flaxseeds, tofu, miso and soymilk.
Gynostemma Herb.
Gynostemma herb is also known as Southern Ginseng by the Chinese Herbalists. It is not related to ginseng and it belongs to the cucumber family and has traditionally been grown in the South Central China area. This area of China is well know for the long life if it's people as well as the low occurrences of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Gynostemma has been shown to have a marked effect in reducing the amount of cholesterol levels in the blood. Gynostemma works by emulsifying the cholesterol deposits that have accumulated on the blood vessel walls, thus making them available for excretion out of your body.
Procyanidolic aligomers (PCO) are derived from pine bark and grape seeds. Studies have show it to prevent histamine release, promotes healthy veins and circulatory system.
Lecithin has been showed to lower the risk of heart disease. It reduces the adhesiveness of platelets in the blood stream; reduce very low-density lipoprotein, lowers triglycerids and cholesterol in the blood.
Foti can lower the cholesterol in the blood by inhibiting its absorption in the intestines, which assists in the prevention of arteriosclerosis and other heart related diseases.
Niacin is the closest thing available to a perfect treatment that corrects most causes of coronary heart disease. Niacin blocks the release of fatty acids from fat cells. Niacin plays a critical role in energy production, gene expression, and hormone synthesis. You cannot live without it. Niacin also tends to shift LDL particle distribution to larger particle size and improve HDL functioning. The intake of 3 grams Niacin for as little as two weeks can reduce serum cholesterol by 26 percent.
Vitamin E.
Vitamin E supplies Oxygen to the heart and the other muscles in the body. Accelerates wound healing and aids in the functioning of the immune system.
If you just feel that you need vitamins, supplements or herbs to fight the aging process then find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Anti Aging Skin Care And Acne
The skin of men and women should be properly moisturized so that signs of aging will diminish and along with a good sun block will go a long way to accomplish your goals. There are a number of different products available but not all of the products you try will provide satisfactory results and in some cases may actually worsen you acne problem.
Consulting a skin care expert or a dermatologist should be your first step before using any type of anti aging acne skin care regiment. There are many kinds of acne scars that may have appeared on the surface of the skin, which may prove to be resistant to the anti aging acne skin care product you may use. A professional can tell you which products would give you the best results based on the type of skin problem you have.
A good choice for anti aging acne skin care is glycolic acid peels, salicylic acid peels, as well as TCA peels that are often recommended by dermatologists because they work well on not only acne scars, but also takes care of age spots as well as fine wrinkles. Another product you can use is Bi-phasic peel.
You need to take timely action when the first signs of acne or aging appear. Any delay would only lead to a worsening of the condition. Applying good anti-aging acne skin care products will not only help remove wrinkles, but also may have a positive effect on the acne scars since the products used contain Retinol, which is a form of vitamin A and it has considerable rejuvenating effects on aging skin.
Vitamin A in the form of Retinoid and Retinol are used in the cosmetic industry to improve the skin replacement rate. The effects of acne and the scars from acne can be markedly reduced by this higher skin cell replacement rate. The anti aging chemicals also found in vitamin A are absorbed through the skin and can increase the collagen level giving the skin a more youthful appearance.
Regular application of retinol can make the skin soft and smooth. The pores will be cleaned and less visible and wrinkles will be less pronounced thus the signs of aging would be reduced. Retinol has been found to improve skin texture, tone and color.
Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with aging such as Vitamin A, Antioxidants, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Aloe Vera.
Substances called Antioxidants can neutralize free radical by pairing up or binding with the free radical elections thus inhibiting them from damaging cells in the human body. Natural Antioxidants are abundant in fruits and vegetables such as, apples, blueberries, broccoli, cherries, cranberries, Grapes, spinach, and Spirulina a blue-green algae.
Vitamin D is manufactured in the skin following direct exposure to sunlight. Many studies show that Vitamin D production decreases in older people and in those who are housebound. Vitamin D is needed by the body to absorb calcium, which makes your bones stronger and helps prevent factures.
Vitamin E is also clinically proven as an effective antioxidant. It also improves our skin's moisture and content, but also has skin protection properties and is good in smoothing our skin.
Aloe Vera will help rejuvenate and tone skin all over. A naturally cooling gel, the Aloe Vera botanical ingredients work together to stimulate the blood circulation and naturally soften the skin.
If you just feel that you need vitamins, supplements or herbs to fight the aging process then find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.fcpu
Cruelty meets beauty for Pakistan burn victims
Saira Liaqat and Urooj Akbar are among Pakistan's many female victims of arson and acid attacks. Such tales tend to end in a life of despair for the woman. The two instead became beauticians.
More...Keep your skin looking forever young
Wanted: your freshest-looking face. Found: the smartest spot removers, wrinkle fighters and dullness erasers to help you take five years off your skin.
The right treatments can save your skin
The first signs of aging — sun spots, crow's-feet — show up earlier than we ever realized. However, the right treatments can make all the difference.
Henna hazard: Chemical causes ornate allergies
Dermatologists warn that a chemical found in black henna tattoos can cause a severe allergic reaction, leaving people with bubbly blisters in shapes like suns, stars and flowers.
Tiny carp nibble your toes in fishy pedicure
Ready for the latest in spa pampering? Prepare to dunk your feet in a tank of water and let tiny carp nibble away.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.ahom
Ask the Eco Geek: Is smelly nail polish dangerous?
My wife bought some acrylic to do her nails and my daughter’s nails. The scent of it was so strong I had to go to the other room. How harmful are these smells to my small children?
Behind the Seams with Kate D’Arcy of Toggery
“We all have to do our part, why not look fabulous while you do it!?"
Kate D’Arcy, Toggery Organic Designs
Over-exposed: after sun skin care
Has the end of summer with too much sun and too little sun screen left you feeling the heat? Here are the products you should be slathering on to help you reverse the burn.
More...Getting hung up on being green
How many wire hangers have you thrown out this month?
More...Natural moth protection
The hot summer months are prime time for moths to start munching your clothes, rugs and other household fabrics. How can you protect your home from the ravages of moths without resorting to toxic moth balls?
More...Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.xwfg
Cruelty meets beauty for Pakistan burn victims
Saira Liaqat and Urooj Akbar are among Pakistan's many female victims of arson and acid attacks. Such tales tend to end in a life of despair for the woman. The two instead became beauticians.
More...Keep your skin looking forever young
Wanted: your freshest-looking face. Found: the smartest spot removers, wrinkle fighters and dullness erasers to help you take five years off your skin.
The right treatments can save your skin
The first signs of aging — sun spots, crow's-feet — show up earlier than we ever realized. However, the right treatments can make all the difference.
Henna hazard: Chemical causes ornate allergies
Dermatologists warn that a chemical found in black henna tattoos can cause a severe allergic reaction, leaving people with bubbly blisters in shapes like suns, stars and flowers.
Tiny carp nibble your toes in fishy pedicure
Ready for the latest in spa pampering? Prepare to dunk your feet in a tank of water and let tiny carp nibble away.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.yghk
Chanel Lovers: Stars Who Heart Their CC's
From Rachel Bilson to Kate Beckinsale, red-carpet all-stars always opt for Chanel...
More...Sweet Stuff Quiz: What Kind of Candy Are You?
Are you a blue, orange, or yellow M&M? Take our quiz to find out!!!
More...Oscars' Best-Dressed: Stars Who Stole the Show
We pick the most glamorous red carpet goddesses...
More...Juicy CoutureSee Which Stars Love the Label
From Jessica Biel to Katherine Heigl, every A-lister loves their sexy JC pieces...
More...Winter Whites: Stand Out in Stark White
Those who abide by the rule "no white after Labor Day" are frozen in time...
More...Saturday, August 16, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.gkuf
Celebrity Hairstyles: See Whose Hair Is Best
Since first debuting in 1991?s The Man in the Moon, Reese Witherspoon has endeared many with her sweetness ...
More...America's Sweetheart: See Julia Robert's Beauty Evolution
Those luscious lips are recognizable anywhere?on a movie screen, in a weekly
More...The Evolution Of Jennifer: See J.Lo's Many Changes
J. Lo is the most gorgeous working woman we know. Though she?s already lived nine lives in the limelight (singer/actress/designer/dancer/director), it?s her breathtaking appearance that always ..
More...Thursday, August 14, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.mhwc
My Secret to Beautiful Natural Curly Hair
Have unruly natural curly hair? Ever wondered how people can make their curls look so nice? I've been using this tried, tested and true method for years.
More...Natural Hair Care With Lemon
Lemon is a great gift of nature not only for our body but for our hairs as well. Its citric acid gives life and vitality to dull damaged hairs. There are multiple ways to incorporate lemon into your routine hair care.
More...Tell Me More About How to Choose a Healthy Mineral Makeup Brand That is Natural & Organic
You've heard about mineral makeup but is it healthier for your skin? How does it provides sun protection? And should I be concerned about or avoid nano-sized particles? In this article we discuss the use of natural organic makeup and what to look for when choosing a mineral makeup brand for healthy skin.
More...A Perfume That Reflects the Essential You
The perfume industry is a worldwide industry because everyone knows the benefits of smelling good. With so many brands to select from, finding the scents that complement you can take some time and effort. Here are some tips to find the right fragrance that highlights the best you have to offer.
More...Perfume - Style and Elegance
Perfume is used to give the human body, animals, objects and living spaces a pleasant smell or fragrance. It is a composition of fragrant essential oils, aroma compounds, fixatives and solvents. The fragrance of a beautiful woman is a definite embodiment of her womanliness.
More...Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Anti Aging Herbs For Memory 101
What good is living to be over 100 years of age if we have lost our minds at 65? Becoming a nation of caregivers for the elderly would not benefit society or the government. Our brain, like any other organ in our body, needs to get proper nourishment, have toxins removed, exercised, and get the proper amount of rest in order to function properly. Some herbs have shown the ability in helping prevent and in some cases treat or even reverse memory loss.
Chief of the US Dept of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University stated, because the brain consumes and processes so much oxygen, it produces a lot of free radicals, and is most susceptible to oxidative damage. Free radicals are created during the normal process of metabolism; cells produce unstable oxygen molecules that damage cells. Almost all of the anti-aging products on the market promote the anti-oxidant quality of their product.
Ginkgo is also called the duck foot tree and was found in China during the late 18th century. A French study conducted in the 1980s showed that women taking 600 mg of Ginkgo a day showed short-term memory improvement. It is also believed to improve circulation, and helps with sight and hearing loss. Ginkgo is also a blood thinner and anyone taking blood thinners or aspirin should consult with their doctor prior to starting any treatment that uses Ginkgo.
Lycium or Lycii Berries.
The Chinese Herbalists have used lyceum berries, also known as Chinese Wolfberry, since the 1st century AD for improving the circulation, removing toxins from your liver and kidneys. Lycium berries are also rich in antioxidants, which can neutralize free radical by pairing up or binding with the free radical elections thus inhibiting them from damaging cells in the human body. They are also used to treat dizziness, ringing in the ears, blurred vision. The root of the Lycium plant is used to relieve cough, wheezing, high blood pressure, and reduce fever.
Blueberry and Blackberries.
Blueberries and Blackberries contain a large quantity of antioxidants, which may help reduce the effect age related memory problems. They contain a chemical called anthocyanins which are very powerful antioxidants.
Hawthorn has an high concentration of anti-oxidants and can help remove toxins in the brain and can strengthens the blood vessels which helps get oxygen and nutrients transported to the brain.
Shilajit is a powerful antioxidant that is one of the few chemicals that can cross the blood-brain barrier. It has been used for over 3,000 years and has is also called the Destroyer Of Weakness. Shilajit improves memory and the ability to handle stress. Shilajit is found in the Himalayan mountains and has been used by the local residents for centuries. It is not unusually for the people living in that region to live to be over 100 years of age.
Periwinkle helps to improve mental activity by increasing the blood flow to the brain.
Studies have shown that Rutin inhibited the oxidative damage in human red blood cells.
Rosemary stimulated blood circulation and the nervous system and enhances memory and concentration. The ancient Greeks called it the Herb of Memory and they wore a stalk in their hair to increase memory.
Fish Oil.
Fish oil contains omega 3 and fatty acids, which have been shown to stimulate the brain and increase memory and mental awareness.
If you just feel that you need vitamins, supplements or herbs to fight the aging process then find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.uyfd
Chanel Lovers: Stars Who Heart Their CC's
From Rachel Bilson to Kate Beckinsale, red-carpet all-stars always opt for Chanel...
More...Sweet Stuff Quiz: What Kind of Candy Are You?
Are you a blue, orange, or yellow M&M? Take our quiz to find out!!!
More...Oscars' Best-Dressed: Stars Who Stole the Show
We pick the most glamorous red carpet goddesses...
More...Juicy CoutureSee Which Stars Love the Label
From Jessica Biel to Katherine Heigl, every A-lister loves their sexy JC pieces...
More...Winter Whites: Stand Out in Stark White
Those who abide by the rule "no white after Labor Day" are frozen in time...
More...Sunday, August 10, 2008
Natural Beauty Secrets
Woman’s hair, hands, legs, feet, her breasts, eyebrows, eyes, lips and every organ that carry its own importance in attracting men. This is why, currently, the glamour market boom with all innumerable products for beauty.
In conclusion, beauty is also supposed to be the most essential feature for the women on the world today, and it is vital today is much more than it used to be in yesteryears. Therefore, women must perform also extra efforts to keep the skin healthy and look refreshed so as not to attract the men whose dreams make their life. Let us quickly also look at some of the natural beauty secrets:-
You should in fact avoid eating foods those have refined carbohydrates as they may trigger insulin spikes and so blackheads even break-out. Acne on the face may actually cause embarrassment and be an onerous problem.
One should keep herself active by adopting some weight loss program to remain him fit and fine. Such programs also encourage individuals to target goals to have a healthy lifestyle and at the same time getting the desired weight and shape.
Beauty conscious person must have a actual healthy eating pattern that reduces the calorie intake from various foods. It is very essential to include in the diet foods those are rich in Vitamin A like carrots those are rich in beta-carotene. Vitamin A and E is responsible to offer really a healthy skin.
Taking natural supplements such as Breast Products and Breast Face Products also can help achieving desired beauty of breasts and of face. However, it is strongly recommended to have a regular physical activities or exercises. Getting involved in the outdoor activities and sports can keep the body more active and alive since such as physical activities are important to burn excess body fats.
Take dark green leafy vegetables so that you can provide good fiber to the body. Drink plenty of water daily - at least 8 glasses. One should also avoid alcohol, smoking as it dehydrates the skin. Also reduce to drinking beverages those contain high sugar. In case, you are obese, you can try also natural products such as Slim Shape cellulite cream or Sunova Bioslim capsules that really help reducing body weight naturally.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.ofhj
Celebrity Hairstyles: See Whose Hair Is Best
Since first debuting in 1991?s The Man in the Moon, Reese Witherspoon has endeared many with her sweetness ...
More...America's Sweetheart: See Julia Robert's Beauty Evolution
Those luscious lips are recognizable anywhere?on a movie screen, in a weekly
More...The Evolution Of Jennifer: See J.Lo's Many Changes
J. Lo is the most gorgeous working woman we know. Though she?s already lived nine lives in the limelight (singer/actress/designer/dancer/director), it?s her breathtaking appearance that always ..
More...Monday, August 4, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.mqus
Natura Blisse Has a 'Cure'
IRVING, Tex. — With the launch of The Cure day facial cream in August, Natura Bissé is maneuvering to capture a broader customer base.
The Cure is $190 for 1.7 ounces — not cheap, but more accessible than the company’s premium restorative moisturizer, the $318 Diamond Extreme Cream.
The Cure represents the top price in a line of products that the company considers “essentials,” including dozens of items priced from $35 to $77, some of which are subbranded Oxygen and C+C.
“We have to show our product specialists that we have the opportunity to develop new customers,” said Patricia Fisas, chief executive officer of Natura’s U.S. division and daughter of company founder Ricardo Fisas. “Hello, we have other things. The Cure will help a lot, and we are relaunching our vitamin C products in October with streamlined packaging.”
The Cure is designed as an all-in-one cream to repair cellular damage by activating the production of sirtuin enzymes in the skin, moisturize and fight free radicals, Fisas explained. It is projected to do $2 million its first year.
“This is like taking your skin to the spa to restore balance and prevent aging,” said Fisas. “It’s the top rung for our essentials products.”
Natura has only three items branded Essential, but Fisas applies the term “essential” to Natura treatments that retail under $200.
“We can get more customers with the essentials,” she said. “It is not a Diamond season for us.”
Fisas said she feels the company has put so much emphasis on luxury launches, including the $715 Inhibit Tensolift plumping serum, that it is missing out on business in treatments that constitute the majority of the line.
“We can compete with Clarins, Lancôme [and] Estée Lauder in better prices,” noted Jose Borrell, chief operating officer of the U.S. division and Fisas’ husband. “We know our products are effective. But we have to change the mind-set of our employees.”
This doesn’t mean the company will tweak its luxury image or U.S. distribution strategy, which is limited to Neiman Marcus Group, Barneys New York, about 50 handpicked independent fashion and beauty stores and a few spas.
Based in Barcelona, the company’s fastest growing markets are the U.K., where it was launched in 60 Space NK stores this year, and the Middle East. Natura is also gaining distribution in Asia, Japan and Europe.�
OFI Buys Majority Stake in Dessange
PARIS — OFI Private Equity Capital has acquired 65 percent of hair care and beauty salon concern Dessange International for approximately 80 million euros, or $124.4 million at current exchange, from company founder Jacques Dessange, his partners Daniel Conte and Michel Cauvin and Naxitis Group.
Dessange retains 20 percent of the firm and remains a strategic adviser to the company’s management team, comprising Benjamin Dessange, Bernard Sagon and Frédéric Moréno, who together hold a 15 percent stake in Dessange International.
The company, founded in 1954, has three salon brands — Dessange, Camille Albane and Frédéric Moréno — which make up a franchised network of more than 1,000 salons, of which 40 percent are outside of France, in 40 countries.
Dessange-branded products also exist. L’Oréal has the license for the supermarket hair care brand Compétence Professionnelle Dessange, and it is the exclusive supplier to Dessange and Frédéric Moréno salons. Procter & Gamble, through its Wella brand, supplies exclusively to Camille Albane salons. In house, Dessange International has created numerous product lines, including Phytodess and Camille Albane hair care and Dessange makeup and beauty care.
Globally, the Dessange brand generates more than 700 million euros, or $1.09 billion, annually.
In 2007, Dessange International posted revenues of 55 million euros, or $85.6 million, at average exchange for the period.
“OFI Private Equity Capital will accompany an ambitious development plan in France and throughout the world: the opening of new franchised salons of the group’s three brands, and the sales development of group-branded products sold directly in franchised salons and through specialized distribution networks,” stated OFI.
Clarins Tender Offer OK'd by AMF
PARIS — The Autorité des Marchés Financiers, France’s stock market regulator, gave the green light Friday to Financière FC’s tender offer on Groupe Clarins. As reported, in late June, Financière FC, the holding company of the Courtin-Clarins family majority shareholders in Clarins, filed a public offer with the AMF proposing to pay 55.50 euros, or $86.36 at current exchange, a share for the stake it doesn’t already own. On July 31, Financière FC owned 55.17 percent of Clarins’ capital and 62.16 percent of its voting rights. The Courtin-Clarins family will bring its shares, representing 33.63 percent of Clarins’ capital, to the offer, the AMF stated. The offer could reportedly run from Wednesday to Sept. 16.
Major Mideast Push for Neal's Yard
LONDON — Neal’s Yard Remedies is branching out to the Middle East. The natural beauty brand has inked a licensing agreement with Kamal Osman Jamjoom Est, a United Arab Emirates-based retail and manufacturing group, which will oversee 50 Neal’s Yard store openings in the region over the next five years. A debut store is slated to open in Dubai this fall and will be followed by doors in shopping malls in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain.
“The Middle East presents a huge growth opportunity for us, and we are delighted that we have found such an experienced and like-minded partner to help us launch Neal’s Yard Remedies in the region,” stated Jonathan Hook, Neal’s Yard’s managing director, referring to Kamal Jamjoom, founder of Kamal Osman Jamjoom Est, who also established The Body Shop there. “Our goal is to become the leading premium organic beauty brand globally, and this is a very important step in that journey.”
The deal will “act as a showcase for Neal’s Yard Remedies’ further expansion plans with like-minded potential partners across the world,” the company stated, adding it aims to open in up to 10 international markets. Other markets under consideration include America and Thailand.
“We are very excited about bringing Neal’s Yard Remedies to the Middle East,” stated Jamjoom, who came into contact with the brand when vacationing in the U.K. “The region is going though a very exciting retail growth phase, and the organic remedies and herbs fit well with our culture.”
Neal’s Yard Remedies, which was founded in Neal’s Yard in London’s Covent Garden, is known for natural products packaged in distinctive blue bottles.
Charlotte Russe's Mogil Adds to Duties
The responsibility is piling up on Len Mogil. The interim chief executive officer and board member of Charlotte Russe Inc. added interim chief financial officer to his titles Friday. He takes over the number-crunching responsibilities from Patti Johnson, who resigned effective Aug. 14. A search for a permanent replacement is under way.
Just two weeks ago, Mogil, a former Phillips-Van Heusen Corp. executive, took over the ceo duties from Mark Hoffman, who retired. Mogil will lead the 469-door chain in a time of considerable flux.
Patti Shields, executive vice president and general merchandising manager, also resigned effective Aug. 14. Kara Stangl and Jennifer Mitchell, each of whom was a vice president, were both promoted to senior vice president of merchandising and will together direct the chain’s merchandising until a permanent replacement for Shields is found.
In addition, Edward Wong, executive vice president and chief supply chain officer, was named chief operating officer. Zina Rabinovich was promoted to senior vice president from vice president. She remains corporate controller.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.fodp
Chanel Lovers: Stars Who Heart Their CC's
From Rachel Bilson to Kate Beckinsale, red-carpet all-stars always opt for Chanel...
More...Sweet Stuff Quiz: What Kind of Candy Are You?
Are you a blue, orange, or yellow M&M? Take our quiz to find out!!!
More...Oscars' Best-Dressed: Stars Who Stole the Show
We pick the most glamorous red carpet goddesses...
More...Juicy CoutureSee Which Stars Love the Label
From Jessica Biel to Katherine Heigl, every A-lister loves their sexy JC pieces...
More...Winter Whites: Stand Out in Stark White
Those who abide by the rule "no white after Labor Day" are frozen in time...
More...Thursday, July 31, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.rfcr
Techniques and Procedures Available For Laser Hair Removal
It was back in 1969 that lasers were initially employed for use in hair removal and when, in the 1990s, official approval was given for the use of the Softlight laser to be used in the USA, the technology really began to develop. Today, laser hair removal is considered as an efficient, lasting method of reducing unwanted hair from places such as the bikini-line, legs, back, chest and face. It is perhaps not the totally painless procedure some would have us believe, but it certainly causes far less discomfort than either waxing or electrolysis.
Salon Hair Care Products Vs Cheap High Street Hair Care Products
Great looking hair that is really healthy and clean makes you feel better about yourself and makes you look healthier and cleaner to other people. Keeping your hair looking this way is important, and using good quality hair products such as shampoo and conditioner is vital. But when it's time to buy your hair care products, how do you know which are the best ones to use?
Are Mud Baths and Treatments Sanitary and What Are Their Benefits?
Mud treatment options have proved to be vastly popular with spa goers around the world. Despite the popularity of the treatments, questions and confusion over the use and benefits of the "mud" continue to surface. Find out more about mud treatments and have some of your treatment questions answered.
Health Spas in South Africa - What Makes Them Unique?
A spa experience in South Africa has often been viewed as being one of the most unique and beautiful experiences that one can wish for. So what makes it so unique and what can one expect at a South African spa?
Top 10 Spa Myths Revealed
There are still so many spa myths standing in the way of spa enthusiasts today. Here are some of the top myths answered, so that you can carry on with what you enjoy best. Test your spa knowledge and see if you have been mislead into believing one of the 10 spa myths mentioned below.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.mkyj
Chanel Lovers: Stars Who Heart Their CC's
From Rachel Bilson to Kate Beckinsale, red-carpet all-stars always opt for Chanel...
More...Sweet Stuff Quiz: What Kind of Candy Are You?
Are you a blue, orange, or yellow M&M? Take our quiz to find out!!!
More...Oscars' Best-Dressed: Stars Who Stole the Show
We pick the most glamorous red carpet goddesses...
More...Juicy CoutureSee Which Stars Love the Label
From Jessica Biel to Katherine Heigl, every A-lister loves their sexy JC pieces...
More...Winter Whites: Stand Out in Stark White
Those who abide by the rule "no white after Labor Day" are frozen in time...
More...Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.rwgs
Fashion Scoops: Hey, Big Spenders... Karl Chronicles... Beatrix Ong's New Backer...
Designers seem to be doing their bit to keep the economy moving.
More...Shoppers Tune In for Fashion
As the economy continues to topple, consumers are awaiting the return of AMC's "Mad Men" and the CW's "Gossip Girl," two shows that let them escape their cares and pick up plenty of fashion tips, albeit classic ones.
More...Weatherproof Brings New Twist to Giveaway
The Weatherproof Garment Co. is banking on a warm Thanksgiving to avoid doling out scores of freebie jackets.
More...This Must Be Belgium: Diesels Rosso Acquires Majority of Viktor & Rolf
Meet fashion's newest trio: Viktor & Rolf & Renzo.
More...Cool Runnings
New York meets Japan that's the attitude underscoring new label Ideeën, by Junko Hirata and Atsuko Yanase.
More...Thursday, July 17, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.rpdq
Liposuction, Arm Lifts, and Thigh Lifts Improve Sagging
Massive weight loss should be a call for celebration, but unfortunately excess saggy skin is usually the result. Liposuction and cosmetic lifts can help sculpt your body back to the shape it belongs.
Injectables - Botox Or Collagen - Which One For Which Wrinkles?
Injectables of various kinds are introduced often in the market, each with diverse purpose and results. With wide array of options available, you can choose just the right one for you like Botox, Restylane, Juvederm, or collagen.
Rhinoplasty For Men
Cosmetic surgery is gaining popularity among men as well as women. Men may be looking to change aspects of their seek rhinoplasty surgery, a popular cosmetic procedure among men.
Summer Hair & Beauty Tips - Part 2 - Sunless Tanning
Last time, we dealt with Beauty Challenge #1: how to remove hair from your bikini line naturally, and relatively painlessly, from the comfort of your own home. Today, we're going to discuss how to give those white legs of yours (and mine!) a healthy glow with the help of sunless tanning.
Simple Ways to Get a Tan
Do you wish to have a tan? Learn about tanning your skin. The right way to do it. Most women are looking for to have a tan why not firstly know the process of doing it.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Best Vitamins For Hair Loss
We all know that stress takes its toll on our body leading to mineral and vitamin deficiency induced hair loss. Yes - a common sign of stress is hair thinning & hair loss. This can be due to a mineral or vitamin deficiency of which hair loss vitamins nutrients are included.
Female Hair Loss Nutrients- Women Vitamin Deficiency & Thinning Hair:
For women, stress also plays havoc with your hormones affecting us more than men. Female hair loss in women due to a vitamin deficiency is further exacerbated by hormonal changes. Drinking Rasberry leaf tea can help to alleviate this. Other minerals to help restore balance are: Red clover and Black Cohosh (particulary for women over 35).
The more stressful your life, the more important it is that you are taking vitamins, eating a healthy diet and even taking nutrient supplements that will help you in preventing hair loss.
What You Need To Know About Hair Loss Vitamins Nutrients & Which Are the Best Vitamins For Hair Loss?
There are few and they all play a different but important part of cell building processes:
*Vitamin A is an essential vitamin to help you with hair loss and thinning hair. However, be careful not to take over 25,000 IU a day … doing so can be detrimental leading to more hair loss and other problems as will taking any vitamins in large doses.
*Vitamin C and E are two antioxidants vitamins that are important for keeping your hair, looking fuller and shinier, and scalp healthy. You can find Vitamin C in several vegetables and fruit, particularly in citrus fruits.
*Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, deficiencies are associated with an increased production of sebum (oil produced by the hair follicles). However, too much B2 and increased sebum production may result in reduced strength of the hair shaft.
*Vitamin B3, niacin - can produce a skin "flush", an uncomfortable feeing, or "hot flash". If you do decide to take this, take the minimum and see how your body reacts first.
*Sources of B2 are derived from grains, or breads and cereals, meat including poultry, and fish, milk and milk products.
*Niacin (B3) food sources include brewer's yeast, wheat germ, fish, chicken, turkey and meat.
*Sources of B12 include chicken, fish, eggs and milk.
*Vitamin B6, pyridoxine hydrochloride - studies have shown B6 to help with healthy hair growth. B6 is found in brewer's yeast, liver, whole grain cereals, vegetables, organ meats and egg yolk.
*Vitamin B12
*Vitamin E is known to help with circulation in your scalp area. This is found in various beans, as well as oils.
*Folic acid is known for its importance in healthy cellular activity, proper cell division, and proper hair growth.
*Biotin – aids the body in producing keratin (what hair is largely made from) and as well as preventing hair loss may help prevent graying. Biotin is found in yeast, grains, liver, rice, milk, egg yolk, liver, kidney, soy and barley.
*Inositol – helps to keep hair follicles healthy at the cellular level. Foods rich in inositol are whole grains, yeast, liver, citrus fruits, eggs, rice, and milk. With the addition of inositol, you will be able to promote hair growth beneath the scalp and produce stronger healthier hair.
Obviously including foods rich is these hair vitamins will help to slow hair loss & thicken hair. This combined with a daily intake of a good quality vitamin supplement with high B vitamin content will aid hair growth.
Mineral deficiencies are a commonly overlooked source of hair loss – again stress can cause you to lose minerals just like vitamins, Minerals help our bodies absorb and assimilate vitamins so it is as if important if not more so to ensure you are getting enough minerals. Silica, Zinc and Selenium are all important in building good hair structure. Drinking oatstraw tea is also very good as a hair loss vitamin alternative or to accompany other treatments because it’s loaded with minerals. Other secondary minerals good for hair are Iron, Copper, Manganese, Sulphur, Iodine & Calcium. (Too much copper can cause greying though)
....And lastly, supplement such as saw palmetto and zinc are very helpful for those looking for natural ways to help with hair loss
Saw palmetto is a type of fruit that is legendary in helping to solve problems with baldness and prostate health in the U.S. and throughout Europe.
Zinc is best known to effect hair loss and fingernail growth when deficient in this mineral. Zinc deficiency not only produces problems with hair loss, but also with changes in the scalp. The scalp may become too dry or flaky and may often times be irritated because of the lack of nutrients. Zinc and copper (where there has been a deficiency) have been known to be effective in preventing hair from turning gray.
Taking a liquid mineral supplement is a good way to absorb minerals and using Celtic sea salt instead of usual salt is a very good option. Celtic sea salt contains many more minerals in natural form (and it tastes nicer too).
Brands like Fortisalt are in liquid form so can be sprayed onto food when cooked.Natural Oils for Hair Growth:
You can use essential oils to help stimulate hair growth such as Lavender, Rosemary and Ginger.
An alternative to this is to make your garden remedies like lavender rosemary and ginger boiled in a saucepan with water then applied to your scalp daily. This “detoxes” your scalp and stimulates follicles. You can use this in conjunction with taking a supplement.
Some shampoos contain Sodium Laureth Sulphate – an aggressive foaming agent which can corrode hair follicles and cause scalp rashes and/or dandruff. So be wary of shampoos claiming to grow hair. Make sure they don’t contain ingredients to counteract the good they do.
Lastly there are hair growth shampoos like HairGenesis or Revivogen (more for men than women) to help regrow hair. I have done research on these – and both show great results. Hair Genesis is very effective in my opinion because it tackles hair growth from several angles giving you the highest likelihood of success.
Learn more about what causes hair loss, dandruff and other scalp conditions plus the secrets to “Beautiful Hair & Healthy Scalp” here
Its really not that hard to give your hair a boost and a kick start in growing back thicker and healthier. By understanding what environmental factors (like shampoo ingredients) cause follicle damage and what you can do both externally (natural oils) and internally (diet and supplementation) you can regrow your hair.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Natural Skin Care Tips – Get Smooth Skin
To give yourself a dry brush exfoliation, you'll need a soft, natural bristle brush.Take 1/3-cup cocoa, three teaspoons of heavy cream, 1/3-cup ripe papaya, 1/4-cup honey and three teaspoons of oatmeal powder. Mix it all together. Apply on your face. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water.
This is best for oily skinRavishing Radish Touch: Take half grated fresh radish, one spoon of vinegar, one spoon of lemon juice and one spoon of honey. Mix all these ingredients in a glass of distilled water and store in a bottle. Wipe your skin regularly to shrink open pores and reduce greasiness.Cut the lemon and rub the wedge all over your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes, then rinse off with cold water. This will refresh your face. Avoid doing this if you have dry skin.Bath lotion Bath lotions are the ones that are supposed to use right after you took a shower.
This is the type of lotion you need to apply if you stayed in the tub too long that wrinkles are showing in your fingers and toes. These lotions replace the essential oils that are normally washed off every time you take a bath. Plus, it also helps in maintaining the skin's moisture. This is exactly how a bath lotion for dry skin works.After you've applied your cleanser, gently massage it in with the balls of your fingers and leave it on for a minute or so to allow make-up to melt away. Then use a soft cotton ball to wipe away dirt, pollution, and cosmetic build-up without tugging at the skin.
Meditation and Yoga is very useful to get rid of wrinkles. It controls the stress and detoxifies the skin.Caring Carrot Mask: Take a carrot, grate and mix it well with one spoon of honey. Apply this all over the face and leave it for only 15 minutes. Now wash and feel the difference after regular use.
No matter of your skin type, normal, oily, sensitive, or combination, you are able to easily get a clinique skin care product system that works for you. It all begins with a face soap. Right away with great care you know, these are as gentle as could be. They work good to get rid of all that irritating dirt, oil and make-up. At one time you have ended up cleanup, a toner is used to tighten up the pores and take away any excess residue.
After all you’ll get the moisturizing lotion, which prevents early wrinkles, and holds your faces smooth daylong.Most people do not realize this but excess sugar is considered one of the main causes of premature aging. The more sugar we eat, the more sugar we have entering our bloodstream. Over time, this can result in a process known as glycation, which is when a glucose (sugar) molecule damages a protein molecule by sticking to it.
The new molecules formed are called advanced glycation end-products, or AGEs. AGEs damage collagen in skin, cartilage, and ligaments and promote a loss of elasticity. Wrinkles form and skin begins to sag.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.byvp
Vegans sandals for summer
Summer is here and it’s time for sandals. Choose the greenest footwear out there by going vegan.
More...Six makeup chemicals to avoid
Many consumers are under the impression that labels on cosmetics offer some kind of protection.
More...Solar clothing has a way to go
Mostly are just prototypes or like the Triumph bra and panties set, not very practical. But clothing powered by the sun is about to hit the fashion market. There are just a few bugs to iron out.
More...Behind the Seams with Emily Katz
Emily Katz took the 2007 Fashion Week in Portland by storm with the debut of her self-titled fashion line. The flattering designs done up in sustainable fabrics and produced locally were an instant hit.
More...Get your feet ready for summer
Summer is officially here so it’s time to crack out those sandals. Are your feet up to it?
More...Thursday, July 3, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.jpeh
Sportif or Spangled
Whats most interesting about Riccardo Tiscis approach to couture is that he rejects the haute genres traditional ladyfied ways in favor of a next-generation sportswear approach. It was a bold stance
More...Geometry Lesson
Alessandra Facchinetti has made an impact with her first collection for Valentino, a fall couture lineup that featured all manner of appealing embellished looks.
More...Beat Box: J.Lo's Russian Visit... Tam Heads Home...
Jennifer Lopez was in Moscow last month to perform at the Muse TV awards, but she didn't leave before paying a visit to her JLO by Jennifer Lopez store at the Crocus City Mall, just outside the city.
More...Insects and Ellipses
Dior's Victoire de Castellane has spawned a brood of baby Belladone Islanders for the Biennale des Antiquaires show in Paris in September dubbed Milly Carnivora.
More...Fashion Scoops: Italian Job... Full Court Press...
Word has it Robert Triefus, Giorgio Armani's longtime executive vice president of worldwide communications, is switching Italian designer camps and heading to Gucci.
More...Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.tvki
Are Salon Treatments Safe During Pregnancy? Posted By : Cyndra Neal
Exposure to certain environmental agents called teratogens during pregnancy can cause birth defects. Experts are divided on how much exposure is too much but at this time there are no proven risks for most salon visits and there are many things you can do to help minimize any potential problems.
More...Ways to Get Rid Of Freckles Posted By : Peter Hutch
Freckles are flat, circular spots that typically range in the size of the head of a nail. The spots develop randomly on the skin, especially after repeated exposure to sunlight and particularly in persons of fair complexion.
More...Treatments for Fuller Lips Posted By : Peter Hutch
Keep the eye mask in the refrigerator and apply for 10 minutes before applying make up. After you take it off gently massage eyes from underneath eye towards ears. This is the direction for draining fluid from the face. Do not rub toward your nose. A gentle touch is all that is needed.
More...Revealed! The Stars' Oscar Beauty Secrets Posted By : Nikki Rammer
Oscar beauty and fashion has arguably eclipsed the awards themselves, and we all love catching a glimpse of our favourite stars on the red carpet. This year's ceremony was no exception and actresses such as Jessica Alba, Nicole Kidman and Cameron Diaz wow.
More...Naked Minerals: Revitalize Your Skin Posted By : Samantha Steiner
Research studies by cosmetologists have confirmed that naked minerals are in fact wonder potions for the skin. These minerals bring the important nutrients of nature to help restore skin tissue that dies due to the pollution in our atmosphere and our poor eating habits. As much as we'd like to, we can't run away from the city to avoid pollution in the air or water. We definitely can't leave our jobs due to the fact it doesn't allow us to enjoy full meals, but we can use naked minerals.
More...Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.hpip
Ways to Get Rid Of Freckles Posted By : Peter Hutch
Freckles are flat, circular spots that typically range in the size of the head of a nail. The spots develop randomly on the skin, especially after repeated exposure to sunlight and particularly in persons of fair complexion.
More...Treatments for Fuller Lips Posted By : Peter Hutch
Keep the eye mask in the refrigerator and apply for 10 minutes before applying make up. After you take it off gently massage eyes from underneath eye towards ears. This is the direction for draining fluid from the face. Do not rub toward your nose. A gentle touch is all that is needed.
More...Revealed! The Stars' Oscar Beauty Secrets Posted By : Nikki Rammer
Oscar beauty and fashion has arguably eclipsed the awards themselves, and we all love catching a glimpse of our favourite stars on the red carpet. This year's ceremony was no exception and actresses such as Jessica Alba, Nicole Kidman and Cameron Diaz wow.
More...Naked Minerals: Revitalize Your Skin Posted By : Samantha Steiner
Research studies by cosmetologists have confirmed that naked minerals are in fact wonder potions for the skin. These minerals bring the important nutrients of nature to help restore skin tissue that dies due to the pollution in our atmosphere and our poor eating habits. As much as we'd like to, we can't run away from the city to avoid pollution in the air or water. We definitely can't leave our jobs due to the fact it doesn't allow us to enjoy full meals, but we can use naked minerals.
More...Tips to Keep Your Nails Beautiful Posted By : Peter Sams
Nails are made of keratin an object in the body. Nails grow at an average rate of 0.01 centimeters a day. Caring for nails is equally important as taking care and pampering all the other body parts. Nails keep on growing so one need to regularly clean them and keep them in shape. Smoking damages nails very badly so one should avoid smoking or should cut off the intake to keep oneself healthy and to keep the nails healthy.
More...Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.sckd
Caswell-Massey Taking Luxury Approach
Nine months after acquiring Caswell-Massey Co. Ltd., investment firm Equitium Group is giving the venerable personal care brand a high-end spin by expanding distribution of its newest line, called the Luxury Collection, to select specialty stores.
More...Roger & Gallet Poised for U.S. Growth
Roger & Gallet, the pioneering French personal care brand, has a new positioning and it's private. Private luxury, that is: Luxury that is intimate, to be used in the privacy of the home, not a luxury brand tied to social status.
More...Bumble Revamps Curl Line
Bumble and bumble is aiming to give curly hair a new look and feel this fall with the relaunch of its Curl Conscious line.
More...Beauty Eyes Tough 2nd Half
Luring beauty shoppers from other outlets, learning about Coty's plans for Del Cosmetics and finding that one item that could be the next big hit are the three top goals on retailers' to-do lists as they head to San Diego for the National Association of Chain Drug Store's Marketplace meeting.
More...Korres Natural's Packaging Spotlights Ingredient List
Sensing an urgency in the skin care market for labels that are transparent about what is in or is not in a product, Korres Natural Products is taking action now.
More...Thursday, June 26, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.kvgj
Chanel Lovers: Stars Who Heart Their CC's
From Rachel Bilson to Kate Beckinsale, red-carpet all-stars always opt for Chanel...
More...Sweet Stuff Quiz: What Kind of Candy Are You?
Are you a blue, orange, or yellow M&M? Take our quiz to find out!!!
More...Oscars' Best-Dressed: Stars Who Stole the Show
We pick the most glamorous red carpet goddesses...
More...Juicy CoutureSee Which Stars Love the Label
From Jessica Biel to Katherine Heigl, every A-lister loves their sexy JC pieces...
More...Winter Whites: Stand Out in Stark White
Those who abide by the rule "no white after Labor Day" are frozen in time...
More...Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.iged
A Homemade Skin Lightener For Homemade Beauty
Many people prize light skin. You can try a number of cosmetic preparations that promise to lighten the skin, but before you do, you might want to consider a homemade skin lightener for a simple and inexpensive solution.
Men's Fragrance Ideal
Due to the variety of fragrance selections, it is often seen that looking for an ideal one for you may not be an easy job. Once you learn more about the characteristics of each type of fragrance and able to understand your characteristics and needs, then you can start looking for your favourite fragrance.
Home Made Skin Care - Facials From the Fridge and More!
Skip the $100 Facials. You need that money to fill up your gas tank now. Go ahead and enjoy some homemade skin care tips, mostly with items you probably already stock in your pantry or fridge.
Laser Hair Removal For Teenagers
Laser hair removal has become a popular long term solution for eliminating unwanted hair. With the latest technologies, permanent results may be achieved with 5 or 6 sessions. Teenagers seem to be turning to permanent hair removal methods as oppose to waxing and shaving since in the long run, laser hair removal is actually more ecomomical and less time consuming.
Feel Good in a Perfume That Suits You
Smelling fine is mostly important to a lot of people and from the look of it, there is a massive industry regarding the need to smell truly good. Potions such as eau de parfum, solid perfumes, body sprays, eau de toilette, roller-ball perfumes are just some of the products..
Friday, June 13, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.bvxp
New melanoma drugs — why do so few benefit?
When they work, new melanoma treatments that enlist the help of the immune system to attack tumors can have a stunning effect, in some cases arresting the deadly skin cancer for four years.
More...10 spring skin challenges
Spring weather lifts the spirits but challenges the skin. Suddenly, you realize your body isn't quite ready for all the bareness. But there are simple ways to fight bumps, flakes, blotches, and dullness.
Private piercings raising public alarm
The prevalence of metal detectors means people with piercings are being subjected to pat-downs, pliers or the piercing gaze of a roomful of strangers.
Skin cancer can sneak up on the most savvy
Could you have skin cancer and not know it? These women did. Reading this could save your skin, even your life.
Not just lip service: Gloss can invite skin cancer
Some dermatologists say that slathering on shiny lip glosses can actually increase your risk of developing skin cancer.
More...Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.kbiw
Ways to Get Rid Of Freckles Posted By : Peter Hutch
Freckles are flat, circular spots that typically range in the size of the head of a nail. The spots develop randomly on the skin, especially after repeated exposure to sunlight and particularly in persons of fair complexion.
More...Treatments for Fuller Lips Posted By : Peter Hutch
Keep the eye mask in the refrigerator and apply for 10 minutes before applying make up. After you take it off gently massage eyes from underneath eye towards ears. This is the direction for draining fluid from the face. Do not rub toward your nose. A gentle touch is all that is needed.
More...Revealed! The Stars' Oscar Beauty Secrets Posted By : Nikki Rammer
Oscar beauty and fashion has arguably eclipsed the awards themselves, and we all love catching a glimpse of our favourite stars on the red carpet. This year's ceremony was no exception and actresses such as Jessica Alba, Nicole Kidman and Cameron Diaz wow.
More...Naked Minerals: Revitalize Your Skin Posted By : Samantha Steiner
Research studies by cosmetologists have confirmed that naked minerals are in fact wonder potions for the skin. These minerals bring the important nutrients of nature to help restore skin tissue that dies due to the pollution in our atmosphere and our poor eating habits. As much as we'd like to, we can't run away from the city to avoid pollution in the air or water. We definitely can't leave our jobs due to the fact it doesn't allow us to enjoy full meals, but we can use naked minerals.
More...Tips to Keep Your Nails Beautiful Posted By : Peter Sams
Nails are made of keratin an object in the body. Nails grow at an average rate of 0.01 centimeters a day. Caring for nails is equally important as taking care and pampering all the other body parts. Nails keep on growing so one need to regularly clean them and keep them in shape. Smoking damages nails very badly so one should avoid smoking or should cut off the intake to keep oneself healthy and to keep the nails healthy.
More...Friday, June 6, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.jqmp
Not just a pretty face
Author Stacy Malkan latest book, Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry, is an expose about the personal care products we use on a daily basis. It tells the inside story of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a coalition of US health and environmental groups working to eliminate toxic chemicals from our cosmetics.
More...Behind the Seams with Deborah Lindquist
The epitome of clothing made from recycled and vintage fabrics is the self-titled brand by Deborah Lindquist. Green Living fashion writer Victoria Everman talked with Deborah about favourite fabrics, doggie sweaters, her recent collection and upcoming projects.
More...Liquid plastic begone: Natural hair control is here
We all want terrific hair. But some of the goopey, smelly products that turn your hair into a laquered helmet just aren’t very sexy. Everything starts off sticky and then feels brittle.
More...Behind the Seams with Rogan Gregory
Rogan Gregory is right on Target, designing both an affordable and sustainable line for Target’s GO International program. The designer is known for his avant-garde Rogan collection as well as his edgy brand of Loomstate organic cotton tees and jeans. He recently launched Rogan Objects, a retail store using recycled wood, glass and steel and to create furniture.
More...Relax with an eco-friendly prom dress
The pressure is on. Who will have the most perfect dress for prom? The average girl will spend up to $500 on her prom dress that will be worn once and then banished to the closet. Go green, save money and reclaim your prom.
More...Monday, June 2, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.glmj
Revealed! The Stars' Oscar Beauty Secrets Posted By : Nikki Rammer
Oscar beauty and fashion has arguably eclipsed the awards themselves, and we all love catching a glimpse of our favourite stars on the red carpet. This year's ceremony was no exception and actresses such as Jessica Alba, Nicole Kidman and Cameron Diaz wow.
More...Naked Minerals: Revitalize Your Skin Posted By : Samantha Steiner
Research studies by cosmetologists have confirmed that naked minerals are in fact wonder potions for the skin. These minerals bring the important nutrients of nature to help restore skin tissue that dies due to the pollution in our atmosphere and our poor eating habits. As much as we'd like to, we can't run away from the city to avoid pollution in the air or water. We definitely can't leave our jobs due to the fact it doesn't allow us to enjoy full meals, but we can use naked minerals.
More...Tips to Keep Your Nails Beautiful Posted By : Peter Sams
Nails are made of keratin an object in the body. Nails grow at an average rate of 0.01 centimeters a day. Caring for nails is equally important as taking care and pampering all the other body parts. Nails keep on growing so one need to regularly clean them and keep them in shape. Smoking damages nails very badly so one should avoid smoking or should cut off the intake to keep oneself healthy and to keep the nails healthy.
More...Manicure - Makes Your Hand Beautiful Posted By : Peter Hutch
The first step in a manicure is to shape or file the nails. You should never use a file on wet finger nails. Just as your hair is weaker and requires more care when it is wet, the same holds true for fingernails. There are four basic nail shapes: square, round, oval and pointed.
More...Moles - Information about Moles Posted By : Peter Sams
Moles is basically a skin disease typical to youth, but Moles may occur to the people at any age. The great majority of moles are harmless, but in rare cases, moles may become cancerous. Moles can be flat or raised. They are generally in round or oval and smaller than a pencil eraser in shape .
More...Friday, May 30, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.vqrh
10 spring skin challenges
Spring weather lifts the spirits but challenges the skin. Suddenly, you realize your body isn't quite ready for all the bareness. But there are simple ways to fight bumps, flakes, blotches, and dullness.
Private piercings raising public alarm
The prevalence of metal detectors means people with piercings are being subjected to pat-downs, pliers or the piercing gaze of a roomful of strangers.
Skin cancer can sneak up on the most savvy
Could you have skin cancer and not know it? These women did. Reading this could save your skin, even your life.
Not just lip service: Gloss can invite skin cancer
Some dermatologists say that slathering on shiny lip glosses can actually increase your risk of developing skin cancer.
More...You want a prettier what?!
Belly button? Toes? Labia? You won't believe the parts some women are tinkering with in their quest for so-called perfection.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.qtiw
10 spring skin challenges
Spring weather lifts the spirits but challenges the skin. Suddenly, you realize your body isn't quite ready for all the bareness. But there are simple ways to fight bumps, flakes, blotches, and dullness.
Private piercings raising public alarm
The prevalence of metal detectors means people with piercings are being subjected to pat-downs, pliers or the piercing gaze of a roomful of strangers.
Skin cancer can sneak up on the most savvy
Could you have skin cancer and not know it? These women did. Reading this could save your skin, even your life.
Not just lip service: Gloss can invite skin cancer
Some dermatologists say that slathering on shiny lip glosses can actually increase your risk of developing skin cancer.
More...You want a prettier what?!
Belly button? Toes? Labia? You won't believe the parts some women are tinkering with in their quest for so-called perfection.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.aufi
Revealed! The Stars' Oscar Beauty Secrets Posted By : Nikki Rammer
Oscar beauty and fashion has arguably eclipsed the awards themselves, and we all love catching a glimpse of our favourite stars on the red carpet. This year's ceremony was no exception and actresses such as Jessica Alba, Nicole Kidman and Cameron Diaz wow.
More...Naked Minerals: Revitalize Your Skin Posted By : Samantha Steiner
Research studies by cosmetologists have confirmed that naked minerals are in fact wonder potions for the skin. These minerals bring the important nutrients of nature to help restore skin tissue that dies due to the pollution in our atmosphere and our poor eating habits. As much as we'd like to, we can't run away from the city to avoid pollution in the air or water. We definitely can't leave our jobs due to the fact it doesn't allow us to enjoy full meals, but we can use naked minerals.
More...Tips to Keep Your Nails Beautiful Posted By : Peter Sams
Nails are made of keratin an object in the body. Nails grow at an average rate of 0.01 centimeters a day. Caring for nails is equally important as taking care and pampering all the other body parts. Nails keep on growing so one need to regularly clean them and keep them in shape. Smoking damages nails very badly so one should avoid smoking or should cut off the intake to keep oneself healthy and to keep the nails healthy.
More...Manicure - Makes Your Hand Beautiful Posted By : Peter Hutch
The first step in a manicure is to shape or file the nails. You should never use a file on wet finger nails. Just as your hair is weaker and requires more care when it is wet, the same holds true for fingernails. There are four basic nail shapes: square, round, oval and pointed.
More...Moles - Information about Moles Posted By : Peter Sams
Moles is basically a skin disease typical to youth, but Moles may occur to the people at any age. The great majority of moles are harmless, but in rare cases, moles may become cancerous. Moles can be flat or raised. They are generally in round or oval and smaller than a pencil eraser in shape .
More...Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.elxw
10 spring skin challenges
Spring weather lifts the spirits but challenges the skin. Suddenly, you realize your body isn't quite ready for all the bareness. But there are simple ways to fight bumps, flakes, blotches, and dullness.
Private piercings raising public alarm
The prevalence of metal detectors means people with piercings are being subjected to pat-downs, pliers or the piercing gaze of a roomful of strangers.
Skin cancer can sneak up on the most savvy
Could you have skin cancer and not know it? These women did. Reading this could save your skin, even your life.
Not just lip service: Gloss can invite skin cancer
Some dermatologists say that slathering on shiny lip glosses can actually increase your risk of developing skin cancer.
More...You want a prettier what?!
Belly button? Toes? Labia? You won't believe the parts some women are tinkering with in their quest for so-called perfection.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Beauty & Fashion.fdqd
10 spring skin challenges
Spring weather lifts the spirits but challenges the skin. Suddenly, you realize your body isn't quite ready for all the bareness. But there are simple ways to fight bumps, flakes, blotches, and dullness.
Private piercings raising public alarm
The prevalence of metal detectors means people with piercings are being subjected to pat-downs, pliers or the piercing gaze of a roomful of strangers.
Skin cancer can sneak up on the most savvy
Could you have skin cancer and not know it? These women did. Reading this could save your skin, even your life.
Not just lip service: Gloss can invite skin cancer
Some dermatologists say that slathering on shiny lip glosses can actually increase your risk of developing skin cancer.
More...You want a prettier what?!
Belly button? Toes? Labia? You won't believe the parts some women are tinkering with in their quest for so-called perfection.